● Digital Transformation for Neuro Diversity Inclusion in Africa and Asia (AAN-DI) funding by the EUROPEAN EDUCATION AND CULTURE EXECUTIVE AGENCY (EACEA). Euro:7,99,992/-. (2024-2027).
● Cognitive Workload Assessment and Rating system (COgWAR Sys) for Freight vehicle drivers and Warehouse workers funded by Fedex India. Rs. 77.38 Lakhs. (2024-2027).
● Identification of Neurocognitive Correlates and Development of Screening Tool for Alzheimer’s
Disease. 10 Lakh, 30-06.2025
● Optimizing the prediction of Alzheimer’s disease: A comparison of spatial navigation and episodic memory
paradigms. 10 Lakh, 31.12-2024
● Impact of lifestyle factors on cognitive health and brain morphology in Indian elderly population.
Ola Corporation, 1.53 Crore. 30.11.2026
● Cognitive and neural underpinnings of bilingual developmental dyslexia: Development and design of digital
screening and diagnostic tool. Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration, 2023-2025.
● Investigation on improving attention level with the usage of virtual reality, 2020 SATU Joint Research Scheme
with University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia (Prof. Poh Foong Lee).
● The picture of the Newly elderly: Innovation, Community Practices and Research Investigations on Creative
Aging through Bottom-up Needs Assessment and Cross-Generational Initiative, 2020 SATU Joint Research Scheme with
Mahidol University and National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.
● Developing an online mental health resource for university students, SATU Joint Research Scheme, SATU
Presidents' Forum International Secretariat (Co-PI).
● The Pictures of the Newly Elderly: Innovations, Community Practices and Research investigations on Creative
Aging through Bottom-up Needs Assessment and Cross-Generational Initiatives,SATU Joint Research Scheme, SATU
Presidents' Forum International Secretariat (Co-PI).
● Prediction and mental construction of future events in younger and older drivers by means of assistive
information, Indo German DST DAAD personnel exchange program, International Cooperation (Bilateral), Rs. 80L
● Association between APOE ε4 genes and Default Mode Network Activity in Mild Cognitive Impairment and
Alzheimer’ s Diseases, ASEAN-India Science,Technology & Innovation Cooperation 2019-2021 (India, Indonesia and
Thailand), Rs. 30L.
● "Determining and Development of Digital Device for Screening and Diagnosis of Dyslexia among Hindi Speaking
Children†under Promoting Academic Research Conversion to Enterprise (PACE) of Biotechnology Industry Research
Assistance Council, 2018-19, 40L.
● Neuro-cognitive correlates of prospective memory and emotion recognition in children with and without Autism
Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Cognitive Science Initiative, Department of Science and Technology 2018-2021 as Co-PI.
Approximate 35L
● Linguistic activation and bi-directional reading: An eyetracker and electroencephalogram Investigation,
Cognitive Science Initiative, Department of Science and Technology 2018-2021. Approximate 35L
● Brain Machine Interface to control real or simulated wheel chair,2018-2019 WRCB 12.5 Lakh .
● Building an empirical case of Mindfulness, Stress Resiliency and Psychological Well-Being of Medical
Practitioners working in NCR region, ICSSR sponsored project as Co-PI, 2018-2020, Rs, 20,000,00/-
● Development of Multisensory technique for intervention of developmental dyslexia: An electrophysiological and
behavioural approach, Tata Centre for Technology and Design (TCTD), 2017-2018.
● "Developmental Dyslexia in India and the Netherlands: A Cross-Linguistic Comparison of Cognitive Processesâ€,
Joint Research Project under the ICSSR-NWO (India-Netherlands) Bilateral Programme, 2016-2018.
● Awarded grant "An electrophysiological understanding of executive functioning in creativity" (2014-2015),
IRCC, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Rs. 1,10,000.00.
● Awarded a grant by ICSSR-NWO India-Netherlands Social Science Scholar Exchanges 2013 entitled 'Developmental
dyslexia in India and the Netherlands: A cross-linguistic perspective'.
● "Goal-directed future cognition: neural and cognitive mechanisms underpinning the successful completion of
planned and intended behaviour and actions" under UGC-UKIERI Thematic Partnership (2014-15).
● Identification and Assessment of Factors Responsible for Low Particiaption of Muslim Girls in Kasturba Gandhi
Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV) in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar (2014-15), Indian Council of Social Science Research, New
Delhi. Rs, 10,00000/-
● Identifying Causal Factors and Cognitive Precursors of Dyslexia: Phycholinguistic and Psychophysical
Approaches, (2009-2013), SERC, Department of Science and Technology, Rs. 12,79,800.00
● Behavioural, neural and cognitive studies of auditory, speech and phonological processing in developmental
dyslexia and intervention for remedial measures. (2013-2015), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
(CSIR), Rs, 17,41,000.00 (First Year).
● Prospective memory and aging in medical adherence: technology intervention for elderly individuals. (2010-
2013) Cognitive Science Initiative, Department of Science and Technology, Rs. 34,76,400.00
● Neuro-cognitive underpinning of co-morbidity between dyslexia and autism. Health Care Initiative, (2012-2013),
IRCC, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Rs. 5,00,000.00
● Role of Investigating Style, Police Interrogation & Confession in Indian Context: An empirical Investigation.
(2011-2012), Bureau of Police Research and Development, New Delhi, Rs. 4,99,800.00
● To investigate role of Impulsivity, Reward and Loss Sensitivity in Decision Making during a Gambling Task: An
Emperical Study, (2011-2012), IRCC, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Rs. 1,10,000.00
● Neural Correlates of Implementation Intention Across Age. (2011-2012), IRCC, Indian Institute of Technology
Bombay, Rs. 1,10,000.00
● SG / Consumer Memory for Intention : A Cross Sectional Study, (2007-2010) IRCC, Indian Institute of Technology
Bombay, Rs.11,41,246.00
1. Consultancy service in making psychometric test and EEG, BrainHap, Jaipur Rajasthan, Rs.5.40Lakh.
2. Seeking consultancy services from Dr. Azizuddin Khan for the Conduct of Written test (including
administration and interpretation of results) for recruitment of Assistant Registrar, (Group A) posts of NITIE at IIT B, 2023-24. Lakh 4.00.23
3. Development of psychometric test, Board of Apprenticeship Training (Western Region), Ministry of
Human Resource Development Department Of Higher Education Government Of India
Mumbai, Maharashtra, 3.15 Lakh, 2022-23
4. Seeking consultancy services from Dr. Azizuddin Khan for the development, administration, and
interpretation of psychometric tests for recruitment of Group B and C posts. National Institute of
Industrial Engineering. Lakh 11.00, 2023-24
5. Development of psychometric test such as Aptitude and Interest Tests by using EEG by BrainHap,
Jaipur Rajasthan. Rs. 5.40 Lakh/-(14.08.2022).
6. Seeking consultancy towards development of psychometric test by using EEG by Learning Cart
Digital Pvt. Jaipur Rajasthan. Rs. 5.40 Lakh/-(19.07.2021).
7. Development of psychometric test, Board of Apprenticeship Training (Western Region), Ministry of
Human Resource Development Department Of Higher Education Government Of India
Mumbai, Maharashtra, 4.10 Lakh, 2020-21.
8. Evaluation of Project awarded to Rashtrotthana Parishat (Co-PI) 2018-19.
9.Development of psychometric test, Board of Apprenticeship Training (Western Region), Mumbai, Maharashtra,
10. Diagnosis and Assessment of Dyslexia among children, Consultancy services, Maharashtra Dyslexia Association
(MDA), (2009-2013), Rs. 10,80,285.00
11. Identification of casual underpinning of aggressive inclination among the Kashmiri Youth, Ministry of Home
Affair, Jammu and Kashmir Section, New Delhi, 2011-12, Rs. 60,000.00
12. Development of psychometric test such as Aptitude and Interest Tests by using EEG by BrainHap, Jaipur
Rajasthan. Rs. 5.40 Lakh/-(14.08.2022).
13. Seeking consultancy services from Dr. Azizuddin Khan for the development, administration, and interpretation
of psychometric tests for recruitment of Group B and C posts. National Institute of Industrial Engineering. Lakh
11.00, 2023-24
14. Development of psychometric test, Board of Apprenticeship Training (Western Region), Ministry of Human
Resource Development Department Of Higher Education Government Of India
Mumbai, Maharashtra, 3.15 Lakh, 2022-23
15. Seeking consultancy services from Dr. Azizuddin Khan for the Conduct of Written test (including
administration and interpretation of results) for recruitment of Assistant Registrar, (Group A) posts of NITIE
at IIT B, 2023-24. Lakh 4.00.
Husain, Akbar, Khan, Shah., & Khan, Azizuddin (2019). Manual of Prayer Scale. Prasad Psycho Corporation, New Delhi.
1. Development of an App called 'Brainu,' for the screening of developmental dyslexia. The App enables to screen of dyslexic children with ease in at home environment. It reduces the stigmatization of children. It reduces visiting to a therapist. Available at Google store.
2. Haptic belt for improving reading proficiency among dyslexic children, Application No. 201921049194, App. Number: E- 137/5334/2019/MUM,Form Number: FORM 30/S7(2}/ R10 EntryNumber:137. Developed an intervention tool for the remedial measures of developmental dyslexia. It uses the multimodal system to increase the reading efficiency of dyslexic children.
3. Development of brain-controlled wheelchair for quadriplegics by Brain Computer Interface.