● A Cutting-Edge Workshop on Methods and Analysis of EEG and fMRI under United Kingdom-India Education and
Research Initiative (UKIERI) with University of Reading and Brain Products at IIT Bombay,from October
10th –12th, 2014
● Conducted a seminar on "Brain, Behaviour and Neuroimaging" by psychophysiology laboratory, Department of
Humanities and Social Sciences, IITBombay from November 15-16, 2013.
Events Organized
● 31st Annual Convention of National Academy of Psychology “Psychology and Social Justice at the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: The State, Community, and Individual Perspectives”, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India, 4th to 6th March, 2022.
● United Kingdom India Education Research Initiative (UKIERI)-UGC grant workshop on Goal-directed Future
Thinking" from July 26th to July 28th, 2016 at IIT Bombay.
● ICTs and 21st Century Policing: Challenges and Potentialities†in collaboration with Foundation for
Police Research, New Delhi and Psychophysiology Laboratory, IIT Bombay, on 27th February, 2016 at
● Non parametric tests and Analysis of Variance, Rizvi College, Mumbai SPSS and Research Method Workshop
Sponsored by ICSSR at March 16, 2015.
● Brain Awareness Week organized in Collaboration with DANA Foundation and International Brain Research
Organization (IBRO), Paris, France from March 16, 2009
● "SPSS and Research in Psychology" at the Department of Psychology, AMU Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh from
December 15-17, 2009.
● Brain Awareness Week organized in Collaboration with DANA Foundation and International Brain Research
Organization (IBRO), Paris, France from March 10-15, 2008
● India@75, Confederate of Indian Industry (CII) at Nashik and Pune, October 20-22, 2008.