
1. Development of psychometric test, Board of Apprenticeship Training (Western Region), Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of Higher Education Government Of India Mumbai, Maharashtra, 4.12 Lakh, 2023-24.

2. Consultancy service in making psychometric test and EEG, BrainHap, Jaipur Rajasthan, Rs. 5.40Lakh.2023-2024.

3. Seeking consultancy services from Dr. Azizuddin Khan for the Conduct of Written test (including administration and interpretation of results) for recruitment of Assistant Registrar, (Group A) posts of NITIE at IIT B, 2023-24. Lakh 4.00.

4. Development of psychometric test, Board of Apprenticeship Training (Western Region), Ministry of Human Resource Development Department Of Higher Education Government Of India Mumbai, Maharashtra, 3.15 Lakh, 2022-23

5. Seeking consultancy services from Dr. Azizuddin Khan for the development, administration, and interpretation of psychometric tests for recruitment of Group B and C posts. National Institute of Industrial Engineering. Lakh 11.00, 2023-24

6. Development of psychometric test such as Aptitude and Interest Tests by using EEG by BrainHap, Jaipur Rajasthan. Rs. 5.40 Lakh/-(14.08.2022).

7. Seeking consultancy towards development of psychometric test by using EEG by Learning Cart Digital Pvt. Jaipur Rajasthan. Rs. 5.40 Lakh/-(19.07.2021).

8. Development of psychometric test, Board of Apprenticeship Training (Western Region), Ministry of Human Resource Development Department Of Higher Education Government Of India Mumbai, Maharashtra, 4.10 Lakh, 2020-21.

9. Evaluation of Project awarded to Rashtrotthana Parishat (Co-PI) 2018-19

10. Development of psychometric test, Board of Apprenticeship Training (Western Region), Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of Higher Education Government of India Mumbai, Maharashtra, 3.17 Lakh 2017-18.

11. Identification of casual underpinning of aggressive inclination among the Kashmiri Youth, Ministry of Home Affair, Jammu and Kashmir Section, New Delhi, 2011-12, Rs. 60,000.00

12. Diagnosis and Assessment of Dyslexia among children, Consultancy services, Maharashtra Dyslexia Association (MDA), (2009-2013), Rs. 10,80,285.00